Friday, July 29, 2011

The Dividing Line

I have been speaking out against the two party political system for years. Thankfully, I think more people are waking up to this idea as well. The two party system has polarized Americans since it's creation. It has been limiting our choices for decades upon decades. 'The lesser of two evils' is exactly what every election, for every office is. You can either vote for a Democrat or Republican, and if you even speak about a third choice you are vilified.

One of the most infuriating things I hear is "Your throwing your vote away!" If one of the two puppets from the establishment, earned my vote, he'd get my vote.  You and I can vote for whoever we damn well please! The only wasted vote is the one not cast!

Voter turnout is atrocious! In every Presidential election since 1960, barely HALF of all eligible voters even show up! Mid-term elections, just barely ONE THIRD can get off their ass and cast a vote. Stop attacking those that vote for whom they believe in and start attacking those that are bitching about the system and not voting! Look at the numbers for yourself: [url][/url] 

If you don't cast a vote, you wave your right to complain. And just think about it, of the hundreds of millions of eligible voters in America, only half of them are determining the fate of our country through the election process. Now you tell me where the wasted votes are.

Divide and Conquer

What's easier to control, a people divided or a people united? I think we all know the answer but we just refuse to acknowledge it. The two party system is perfect for those in power. They have divided the nation's populace into two easily conrolled factions. They have convinced us that the other side is the bad guy, and only use a few issues to do it. They pit nieghbor against neighbor using abortion, handouts, education and now, social security. Regardless of wether or not you agree on other issues, you and your neighbor will forever be enemies if you don't agree on even one of the afore mentioned topics.

And that's how they want it. Actually, some even want to divide us up more! It's blatantly obvious that the left side of the spectrum is trying to further seperate America by economic class and race. They are vilifying anyone making more than $250k a year as a rich S.O.B that isn't paying their fair share, and anyone, and I mean ANYONE who speaks out against President Obama is labeled as a racist! They are using race as a shield! He can do NO WRONG because he's black. That doesn't sound like equality to me! I didn't see black Bush critics getting labeled as racists all over the TV. So why is anyone that speaks out against the policies and agenda of the current President being labeled as a racist?

It's all about division. When they can sperate the American people into smaller chunks, they can manipulate and distract us much easier. When you are worried more about who is a possible racist, and makes more money than you, than you are about what's going on in Washington, they have won. It's all a big distraction so they can continue with business as usual. They will continue to borrow money we don't have and will never be able to pay back, and they will continue to grow the governments power while slowing taking your individual liberty away from you. But you won't even know it because you'll be too busy protesting the racist business owner down the street for being audacious enough to make more money than you!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I choose Default.

I want America to default on its debt.

I vote for default. It's a simple decision to me. The government is doing
their best to tell Americans that we are only 14 trillion dollars in debt.
However, do a Google search for 'US unfunded commitments' and see what pops up. The popular number is around ~60 trillion dollars. Some would put it
around 100 trillion. Sixty trillion dollars puts a burden of about 500,000
dollars onto each and every household. Half a million dollars per household!

Now with the IRS's own numbers, half of America pays a net federal tax of
0.00, and some even net a negative number. Netting a negative tax payment
means that they get paid more than they put in. Basically we have people out
there that are getting cut a paycheck from the Government for doing nothing.
So with half of America paying nothing in taxes, who is going to foot the
bill? It's also been shown that if we taxed everyone in America at 100% it
wouldn't be a drop in the bucket. So what's the point of raising taxes on
those that are already carrying the country? I'll tell you who our 'leaders'
are planning on paying the bill, generations of unborn Americans. They (in
Washington) could care less about the debt because they now they aren't going to have to pay for it.

With all this talk about shared sacrifice, who has yet to sacrifice? The
people asking you and me to sacrifice, that's who. Who is exempted from
Obamacare? The very people who passed it into law. Who has yet to make a
sacrifice on their paycheck? The very people asking Americans to pay more in taxes. Their 6 digit salaries are conveniently just under the 'rich' bracket.

So besides the crooks in Washington (all sides, shapes and colors) exempting themselves from everything they force onto their peasants, why do I think we should default?

NO-ONE in Washington has presented a real plan to get us out of debt. The
only thing we have seen is plans to 'get us by' for a few years. Cut a little
fat here and there but never actually getting us out of debt without counting
on our unborn to hopefully keep up with the bills. Hell we are even told to
believe that debt is good. Only when it becomes so bad that they can't hide
it anymore is it now an issue. Of course, they are still trying to church-up
the numbers as I mentioned earlier.

So politicians keep saying we should elect them because they will make the
'hard decisions'. Show me one politician that has made a hard decision? As
I've talked about, the only decisions they make, apply to us, not them. How
is it hard to make decisions that don't effect yourself? Well, I'm willing to
make a hard decision. I want to default now. Let's take this on. I'm tired of
China owning America, literally. They own us. Would you take a mortgage out
with China? Would you trust them with your house? Why are we trusting them
with our Country?

Speaking of your house, how many times must it be pointed out: It's bad for
individuals and families to live off of debt. If you depend on borrowing to
live, it eventually catches up to you and often times people lose everything.
So why is it ok, and even encouraged for our Government to live off of money
we don't have? Why are the rules different? Because the Politicians don't
play on the same field you and I do. They have made the perfectly clear.

Some people rail against defaulting because it would hurt the world economy.
WHO GIVES A SHIT?!?!? Our country is in dire trouble. I could give a flying
rat turd what's going to happen to China, and sorry chaps, but England is
going to have to suck it up. Hell, the rest of the world is already in the
crap hole as it is. I mean, are our elected officials really more concerned
about other countries than the one they are supposed to work for? Screw the
rest of the world. America needs a hard restart. We need to get back to
living off our means. We need to go back to gold/silver backed dollars. The
Federal Reserve needs to be raided by the Secret Service/FBI and
investigated. How the hell did we let our money be controlled by 'for profit'
bankers??? Hell, even Pres. Wilson regretted what he did when he signed the
bill giving our money to the Fed. Res.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great
industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit
is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities
are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized
world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by
conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and
duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson

I say let's make a hard decision and default now. We made it through the
Great Depression we can make it out of default. I am not worried about the
rest of the world, economically or militarily. I am worried about us. We can
chose to take the short hard road, or the long 'easy' road that leads to
eventual demise under unknown conditions on a unborn generation that isn't
responsible or deserving of such a fate. Yes it will suck, but I have full
faith it will be shorter and better than continuing down this path of
unsustainable debt.